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CHSQ - Ligue Simulée
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 08.02.2013 - Skills Competition

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Joueur du temple de la renommée
Joueur du temple de la renommée

Messages : 10517
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2011
Localisation : Limoilou

08.02.2013 - Skills Competition Empty
MessageSujet: 08.02.2013 - Skills Competition   08.02.2013 - Skills Competition EmptyLun 15 Oct - 21:04

The annual All-Star event kicked off today with the skill competitions. Team North America and Team World competed in six different races and the fans got to see their stars shine.

Team World won the puck control relay with a team of Pavel Datsyuk, Alexander Ovechkin and Anze Kopitar.

Steven Stamkos of Team North America won the fastest skater competition, beating Alexander Ovechkin in the final.

Zdeno Chara of Team World won the hardest shot competition with a result of 100 MPH, beating Milan Lucic in the final.

Erik Karlsson of Team World won the accuracy shooting competition, beating Shea Weber in the final.

Henrik Lundqvist of Team World won the goalie competition (pass&score), beating Ryan Miller in the final.

Team North America won the breakaway relay with a team of Steven Stamkos, Sidney Crosby and Rick Nash.

The yearly clash between Team North America and Team World will take place tomorrow.
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08.02.2013 - Skills Competition

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